Sunday, September 6, 2009

this life is more than just a read-thru

based on the subject matter I am dealing with, I thought that those wonderful RHCP lyrics would serve as a good title.

A while ago, a friend recomended I watch a video, due to my complaining of my anxiety and what often seems to be neurotic behavior as well as depression and self doubt etc.

that video is
(while there you should check out his blog, fantastic stuff).

i was perusing his page, and reading some wonderful motivational words, and decided to finally do something about it.

Long story short, I am starting my own Project 365. Henceforth, I will take a picture every day about some occurence during the day. I will try to use more and more advanced lighting techniques and employ all the knowledge I have gathered and will gather in taking these pictures. When applicable I'll also post some set-up shots.

I think this will help with my lacking discipline, and help me to see what I truly find important. To start the project is a photo of the love of my life, my wife Alicia. Doing homework on her wonderful macbook.

Please enjoy these photos, comment if you wish, and if I get sick of posting them on my blog, I'll give you my flickr link and you can check them out there.


adam said...

cool video, hope you keep up your project. I look forward to the photos.

Eric Lightbody said...

That video is extremely inspirational. I may not be a photographer, but there is certainly a lot to be brought from it. I love his point on comparison, and how completely and utterly useless it is. Now, if only I could drill that into my head throughout the day.

Keep up the awesome word, bud. Your pics are excellent, and I'm stoked you've got a new space on the interweb.